Thursday, May 31, 2007
New Look "Wampus"!
People who love photoshop are good in my book!
This is exactly what I was looking for and I love it. Who would be interested in a shirt with this on it?
Does anyone know how to turn this banner into a hyper-link so I can put it on my other blog? Now I'm just being pushy, I know.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
New Look for the Wampus
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Fontucky Fried Chicken
Just a thought.

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Birthday Cake for Godzilla
She worked very hard on this and even got discouraged at one point cursing me and the cake. I was just in the room. Don't judge. I would have done the same thing to her and the cake.
Godzilla turned 2 on the 9th and his party was today. We were busting our butts trying to get everything pulled together at the last minute (really? surprise!) and my wife busts out this bad ass cake. He is into dinosaurs and we like to enable the kids' habits.
Here's what she did. It's all box cake mix (why not...there's more work to it...why make it harder). She did a 9x13 pan of yellow cake, filled two Pyrex bowls with chocolate cake and carved them in to volcanoes. She took Oreo-type cookies and smashed them with a rolling pin and mixed them in chocolate frosting. With this frosting she thee really...she pressed against the side of the volcanoes making it look like a rocky surface. Impressed yet? I was/am.
Then she iced the sheet cake w/chocolate and used graham cracker crumbs for dirt and green tinted coconut for grass. Then here's the kicker. She made a pool.....with green J-E-L-L-O. A friggin' pool on the cake. How often do you see that? I'll tell you...."never, that's when!"
When she put the cake together she finally cut the corners off one side to assemble the volcanoes on either side of the cake. Eli loved it (of course, it was cake) and we all "ooh'd and ahh'd" as we saw it.
I love my wife and all the she puts in to her kids' birthday parties. Me...I would have bought a cake maybe had ribs for the adults and hot dogs for the kids. My wife does stuff better than me. I just hope she never takes up the drums.

Friday, May 11, 2007
Grilled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Need a logo
I would love to have a logo for the Caddywampus......I just think it would be cool....and is something I have been thinking about for a while.
Anyone? Bueller?
Monday, May 07, 2007
Grilling Chops w/Caddywampus Green Beans and Roasted Red Potatoes w/Garlic & Pepper
What I used:
2-3 lbs. pork chops (bone in)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (aka EVOO)
Balsamic Vinegar
Garlic Salt
What I did:
A couple of hours before I started cooking, I coated the chops with the EVOO and balsamic, sprinkle (to taste) dry ingredients (both sides), cover and put in fridge. (you can do this the night before if you want, but you at least want to do this an hour before cooking)
Have I told ya'll about the beans in any earlier posts? I think I did, but I haven't the time to look it up.
Caddywampus Green Beans
What you need:
1 - 1.5lbs of fresh Green Beans (rinsed and blanched-please remember to drop them in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process...this will keep the crispness of the beans)
1 yellow onion, chopped
3-4 slices bacon
salt/pepper to taste
How to do it:
Heat skillet over medium heat (approx. 5 min.) cook bacon to crisp remove from skillet saving bacon drippings for cooking the rest of the food. Place onion in skillet and cook until the begin to sweat then place beans in skillet. Once they begin to get just a little soft, remove from heat, crumble bacon and mix in with beans and onions.......Damn! they're good
Roasted Red Potatoes w/Garlic & Pepper
What you need:
2-3 pounds of Red Potatoes, quartered
2-3 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 tspn pepper
What you need to do:
pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, mix EVOO & dry ingredients in separate bowl. put potatoes in mixture and make sure to get all the potatoes coated in oil, pepper, garlic. place in oven for about 25 minutes or until tender w/fork. again, Damn! they were good.
One of these days I'll write a book.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Today's Lunch: Sausage, Egg & Cheese on Sourdough
4 turkey breakfast sausages
2 eggs
2 slices American Cheese
2 slices of Sourdough bread (buttered on the outsides)
= one sandwich
Make sure you start the sausages first (in a separate pan) as they usually take the longest. I did the eggs fried, but mixed them up on the griddle. Set them aside, put the bread on the griddle, cheese on the bread then re-set the eggs on the melty cheese, place sausage on eggs, then place other slice of bread, smash together, then flip (carefully) to finish off. Remove from heat and enjoy. These make great brunch like meals.
Juicy Crispy Chicken Breasts

Now when you try it, try it with the corriander marinade. I'm not sure if any of ya'll like middle eastern flavors, but that was dang good.
"Spice-rubbed. In step 1, sprinkle your favorite spice rub all over the chicken while you're letting it come to room temperature. We like the Indian flavors of 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon ground coriander, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon cayenne."
There are two other ways to do it, which I haven't tried (unless you count doing it with BBQ sauce) that are good too. You'll see.
Anyway, Sunset is a great magazine with tons of fun stuff to cook.
Somebody try it and let me know which one you liked best. (Tony, since you're now the bar-b-queing fool....I expect you to try it.)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Grilling Conserves Water
So, the other day I asked for suggestions and 2 of my 3 commented back. I don't know much about organic stuff or trans fat business, but I do know (enjoy, rather) grilling. 'Tis the season to be jolly. No, not Christmas, but it's warm most of the time and time to get your grill tools together and your coals burning (or propane refilled).
Today will just be a tip on why grilling is good. There will be a few of these in this series. I found some recipies that I havne't trie and I'll re-post some of the things I have already discussed.
Now, let's get started:
Well, when you grill, you usually don't have to wash as many dishes. For example: The other night I grilled checken breasts and put corn on the cob (still in the husk) right on the grill. This meant, I didn't have to wash the corn, boil it, nor cut them in half (3 ears f/5 people) . It saved me time and water.....WOW! I'm a friggin' genius. I also threw some broccoli in some foil w/EVOO, S&P and set that on the back of the grill. Saved more water for steaming and another dish. Dang, I'm on a roll now.
I love being able to cook an entire meal right on the grill and not have to turn the oven or stove on. Hank Hill would be proud.
Now, last night, I did make burgers, but I made home made french fries in the oven. I would have done a separate post, but I don't want to interrupt the flow of the Grilling Series.
What you need:
3-4 good sized potatoes
S&P to taste
Hot Sauce or Cayenne Pepper
While your oven is pre-heating to 350F, cut potatoes in half, then in 1/4" slices. Mix EVOO and S&P (salt & pepper) and optional stuff then drop potato slices in making sure to get all slices covered w/mixture. Place on a cookie sheet and put in oven for about 20 minutes, but keep an eye on your fries so they don't get burned.
Serve while warm because cold fries are just bad.
Someone try it and get back to me!