Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Quick Minestrone

I hate mixing hot chocolate

Barry Whatilow?
My mother-in-law makes a dish that is tradition in her family that started out with the name Berry-Mallow Casserole. Then somehow it started sounding like, yes, you guessed it...."Barry Manilow". It's a pretty amazing dish, actually. My wife's jaw will be hurting from hitting the floor after reading this because it took me 3 years just to put that particular food to my lips. Can you imagine eating something called "Barry Manilow"? You take yams, cranberries, brown sugar, oatmeal and marshmallows and put them together. (I'm not allowed to divuldge the family recipe.) But that sounds like a decent dish, huh? "but it's called 'Barry Manilow'!" Stop arguing with yourself and try it, ya sissy.
Year three, I tasted it. Year four, I put a serving on my plate. Year 5, I had seconds and then stood over the dish picking at it. Well......I'm a convert........BRING ON THE MANILOW!
Enjoy the slideshow of all the food from this year's Thanksgiving!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Something new.....
In the veggie drawer, there is a bag of butternut squash. ("I can't eat 'squash', it sounds like it's been sat on", George Carlin...pardon the language) I dusted it with a little bit of salt, some sugar and some cinnamon...oh...and a bit of olive oil. Then I put it in the toaster/convection oven at 425 Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes until it was pretty tender. Next, I dropped all that in the blender w/1 Tbspn of butter, maybe 1/4-1/3 Cup of milk, more sugar and cinnamon and pureed it.
It was good. Since I didn't make that much and it went on all the plates, I figured I would show a Carlin video. I love this one.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thanks Kevin......this Friday was the best
Thanks Kevin....I especially was wowed by the Gruv site. My daughter will be so bummed that Boys Like Girls is playing and she's not going.
Everyone, enjoy your Fantastic Friday!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Mr. Bobby Que
My favorite thing is the sound effects when the food is on the grill.
Anyone else get hungry watching this?
Monday, October 08, 2007
Birthday Dinner!
After church, I went to the Stater Brothers to pick up a few things. I found London Broil on sale....mmmmmmmmmmm, bought a couple of zucchinis, a box of cake mix, bag o' salad, a cucumber and tomatoes (for the salad), a tube of pizza dough, and 7 ears of corn. (I think that's all I bought)
grilled pesto pizza
London Broil w/roasted garlic dry rub (salt, sugar, pepper, roasted garlic, a tad bit of orange juice)
Julienned Veggies (carrots/zucchini)
Grilled Corn on the Cob
Yellow cake w/chocolate frosting
I don't have any pictures, but the meat came out a little on the salty side...so I figured if I just sliced it as thin as possible, you wouldn't get that salt crust and I was right. Maybe a little too much salt. It was really fun to create in the kitchen and the kids were really good while I was getting things ready. It was wonderful to have my wife home! I would never want to be a single parent and my hats go off to those who are....especially with more than one child.
Since I don't have any photos, I'll just post some Bobby Flay.
Doesn't he look like he's ready to be kicked in the crotch when the lady answers the door?
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Inspirational Music For Cooking/Eating:DC*B

Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm not the only cook in the house
I got home a little late the other day, but she didn't get home much earlier than I did and here's what she had ready when I walked in.
Beeaded Orange Roughy tacos...........YUMMY!

Home made pesto Farfalle w/Italian Sausage

Breakfast Sandwich....pastry style
I was gifted a couple of these pastries from a friend and she suggested I put ham and Swiss in there (that would have been good, too. Instead I scrambled some eggs and put Muenster cheese; threw it into the toaster and voila! An egg 'n cheese breakfast pastry. And "my goodness" were they good.
Get you some!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
the recipe MANAGER
Mystery illness strikes after meteorite hits Peruvian village - Yahoo! News
Mystery illness strikes after meteorite hits Peruvian village - Yahoo! News
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Catering Confidential, The Food
Tomato Basil Tartelettes (Standard hors d'oeuvres)
Peppered RARE AHI TUNA w/Marinated Fennel on Small Crustini (now these are yum )
Mini Spanish Sausages (Passed w/Picks & Grain Mustard) (never had them, but I'm sure they were good)
1/2 Herbed Feta & 1/2 Tapenade on Same Toast Point (sounds too confusing on which side to eat first)
Dates Stuffed w/Gorgonzola & Wrapped in Prosciutto (now this is good, but you should try the figs replacing the dates)
7:45PM ~ Dinner ~ "Paris In The Fall" (we stayed on time with this...but maybe the last time the whole night)
1st Course: (Wine: Bandol) (didn't try it)
Seafood Mar mite w/Vanilla Broth (Oh MY! this was amazing. It was salmon, shrimp, scallops and mussles that were in a zip lock, poached in boiling water, then it had a boiling hot French Vanilla broth poured over it)
2nd Course:
Wine: Foley Syrah (didn't try it)
Traditional Cesar Salad (Cheese on the Side) & HOMEMADE Parmesan Croutons (didn't try it)
3rd Course:
Mixed Grill: Petite Fillet, Lamb Chop, Sausage & Chicken (now this was pretty damn awesome!)
Pascal's Gratin POTATO
Steamed Asparagus Spears
9:30PM****Cheese & Fruit STATION OPEN (Port & Dessert Wines - 4)
Dessert & Coffee Service
Croque en Bouche (all sorts of different fillings in the creme puffs)
Assortment of MINI Pastries (Petite Four Style)
10:15PM WEDDING CAKE by (CAKE STUDIO) (more like 11 p.m. and there was a "groom's cake" that looked like the groom's nasty old Georgetown hat.)
10:45PM Late NIGHT Nibblings (more like 12:15 p.m.)
French Onion Soup w/Crouton (didn't try it)
Outside of all the being late, the food was pretty dang good and chef did a bang up job.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Catering Confidential

Now.....let's move along from Newport to Malibu. (see below photo)
In speaking with the events coordinator (aka "my boss"), I learn that someone called in sick at the last minute. Well, it wasn't really last minute. He called on Wednesday saying he thought he was coming down with the flu. At 1 a.m. the night before the party, he sent an email saying he wasn't going to be there. (when was the last time the flu took three days to put you down? it always just jumps up and hits me like a ton of bricks. I know the guy. He didn't want to work.) This is a bad omen.

See, it's already getting crowded on the tables w/out the damned glasses. Here's a dark shot of the table....you can see most of what's going on the table.

Have you ever worked somewhere like a restaurant or somewhere you wouldn't expect to see someone you know? Well one of our good friends from church IN RIVERSIDE was in Malibu and their daughters were flower girls. How crazy was that? Next thing you know here's another one that had moved to Oregon. (they were both cousins of the bride)
Now...here's where I become stupid. Every time I see the EC she's telling me how worried she is about breakdown since we're now 2 guys down and because it's breakdown it is kind of like being 4 people down because people are going to be so dang tired by the end of the wedding. After beginning to worry about it myself and feeling bad that there won't be enough people...I (cannot believe that I) said "I will stay and help. Don't worry."
What? What did I just say? No, no....take it back, bring those words back to your mouth! HOLY CRAP WHAT DID I DO? It's too late, you said it......suck it up and be a man.
We didn't get out until 2 a.m. I got to bed in Riverside (see above maps.....) around 4:30 a.m. HOLY SMOKES, I have to get up and go to the gardens by 4 p.m. and work until 9 or 10 p.m. What was I thinking? I may be the dumbest human being.
Well, last nights gig was pretty easy. It was a 78th birthday party, and the most difficult thing was making sure no one crapped their pants. Kidding. It was actually these kids who thought the were going to drink on my shift. They tried...unsuccesfully...I might add. It was a team effort.....things went well and I came home with some nice parting gifts from the entire weekend.
Thanks to Monkey, I got to stay home today......that's a story for another day. Click here to see all the photos that EC took.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Bruschetta, it's easy and yummy

Thursday, August 30, 2007
One more Saturday.....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Flat bread mania, continued........

Try it...it's better than buying it.....only quite a bit more time consuming.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
So....any of you other slackers out there that haven't been there.....check it out.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Shrimp, it's what's for dinner (or was last night)

What you see on your left, is what I had. It's a grilled shrimp 'n cheese. I think my wife might classify it as "bachelor food", but it was good. J, my wife if you haven't guessed, had shrimp a la carte.
"What did you do to it?" J asks, as
I'm sure you're wondering.
Well, I took the wok, cranked the heat up to HIGH. (very shunned, unless you're cooking with a wok) Took a table spoon of mince garlic (we have a jar I need to use up so I can go back to the real stuff) some oil (put that in first and let it get hot). Drop the garlic in the oil, then the shrimp, toss some pepper, a little salt and some cayenne for some zing. OH! A dash of soy sauce is usually pretty good, too.
That's basically what I did and if I'd had some rice it would have been better, but I didn't get home until late and forgot to ask J to start the rice. She didn't know I wanted to cook the shrimp......my bad.
Hope ya'll enjoy.........................come back to the wampus.
Gotta give some love to my boy, Matt, for those dang chimichurri burgers. They looked great and I might have to run that truck down one of these days.
Good Dessert/Sharp Spoon

Thursday, August 16, 2007
My lunch today (Salad and PB&J)

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Nutella...hey Kobe Bryant likes it!

Monkey vs. Godzilla

Here's Monkey taunting me with food he says he's going to eat. I think it took him about 2 hours to not eat this grilled cheese.
Now Godzilla will eat, most of his sandwich, but not without me threatening to throw it away if he gets up again about 12 times. I will throw it away on that 13th time, darn it!

How 'bout them 'crispy thighs'?

Chicken is really the quickest food to truly BBQ. I used indirect heating on this and the skin gets really nice and crispy. The risotto is from a bag, but it was good. Do you like my basil garnish? My photos aren't as good as Matt's, but the food is good and my wife said I can no longer put any posts without pictures. It's not as interesting, she says....I think she might be right.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I'll never be a "Top Chef"!
it burned
I took another one today and let it go for 1:20.................................IT BURNED AGAIN, DAGNABBIT!!!!!
Now, I'll never be able to get on one of those TV shows....unless maybe Food 911 gets revived....but I don't think they can get the fried chicken bucket away from that guy these days. He was my server at the Corona Applebee's the other day....no wait, he was just on my TV doing a commercial for them.....but I think he is a server at that Applebee's over on McKinley. Maybe he should read this post and get an application from the above link.
Well, hopefully you've learned from my mistakes and give Tyler a good tip at Applebee's.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Cooking with Country Crock
Could one of my foodies that check in from time to time let me know why one isn't supposed to cook with things like Country Crock? Can one use stick margarine? This is where my lack of training comes into play. I guess I could look it up to find out, but I get distracted when I start looking things like that up.
If I find the answer, I will come back and update.....but right now I have to go an recruit some Java developers...as opposed to coffee makers. (ha!)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Right now...
(I am so "Fleetwood".)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Flat Bread Mania
I made Flat Bread dough and cooked "flat bread pizza" on the grill.......it was cool. I wish I had taken photos. I did meatball, garlic and tomato w/mozzarella and did a bbq chicken pizza w/homemade bbq mulberry honey bbq sauce.
Check out Chef Flay's recipes for it...it isn't really hard, just friggin time consuming. I swear I may have wasted my day just waiting on the stuff to rise. I think next time, I will add something to the dough to give it a little more flava-flav. (yeah, boi!) sorry...that was sad.
At any rate, I didn't turn on the Grill-master Flay today because I was running around like mad trying to get a bunch of stuff taken care of that I only got half done.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Top Chef: Howie???

The worst part about this show is how long it is taking them to get rid of the dead weight.
CJ is hardly even there.
Sara (non-Asian) is consistently bad, but not as bad as others
Dale is a dimwit that some how thinks he has what it takes.
Asian Sara just doesn't do well under pressure and they should put her out of my misery.
Thanks to the Holy Chef that fool from Mississippi got the boot the first week as well as the Rainbow Warrior with a Mohawk two weeks ago.
I think they're making the right decisions on who to shoo away, but it's just taking so long.
Heck, I even think Hung needs to go. I think that leaves Tre, Howie and Joey.....oh and Casey....but who gives a rat's butt about her....she's consistently bad too.
I'm not saying I could do any better than these people, but they're the ones going on the show. I'm still practicing for The Next Food Network Star. HA! (I'm working on my cupcakes....I hate making desserts -unless it's a cobbler)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Food on TV: Top Chef 3
Let me know what you think about it?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Top Food Searches that get people to the Caddywampus
Chicken Parmesean - has been beaten out by the cobbler

Friday, July 06, 2007
Caddywampus in your home

I started out seasoning the ribs with garlic salt, chili powder and pepper (coarse ground). Then they went into a 275 degree oven for 2 hours. Next we went to play paddle tennis and drove the boys around in the golf cart. (hey, we had to keep them busy) Then we went home, removed the hair from the corn on the cob so they wouldn't get all burned and just threw the corn, husk and all, on the grill. (LOL, I almost typed "on the girl"....ha!) While those started, I brought out the ribs and tossed them on the grill for about 5 minutes before slathering them down with BBQ sauce. (keep turning your corn to make sure it cooks evenly) Now, flip your ribs slather more sauce. Close grill and let the sauce set for a few minutes. Remove corn. Flip ribs once more, and turn off the grill. Let the heat set the glaze and remove from grill.
Serve with some homemade potato salad (mother in-law makes this very yummy like) and watermelon and salad and you have yourself a plate that you're so hungry to eat, you'll forget to take a photo. (hence, no photo).
Once you're all stuffed from that, who can even think of dessert? Well, since we made a special trip to the store, I cannot forget about it. I made a boysenberry cobbler. (see previous entry) It was good and the boys even ate their food.
With that being said, we went to the Legoland parking lot and watched their fireworks for $2 worth of parking.
It was a good 4th and I look forward to next year...........I think.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Boysenberry Cobbler...........looks good don't it?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Crepes..............when you must have something sweet
The other day, I got a wild hair and felt the need for something sweet. So, I took a recipe from the Good Home Cook Book (what a deal!....I got it gratis for testing the recipes)....this is the second time I've tried the crepes. I'm going to have to come back to this and post the recipe because I cannot remember it, nor can I find the dang blog for the author of the book.
Here it is from Cooks.com:
I don't know why my formatting is acting up right now...but it is.
Anyway, the recipe I used was not this one. I'll post it later. It ended up tasting great and I had some linginberries for filling. They were very tasty and I hope ya'll enjoy
Friday, June 22, 2007
Now I've never tried grilling fruit, but I have always wanted to. This might get some flack for being a little more uppity than what my "wampus regulars" are used to, but sometimes you have to throw something out there and maybe it will stick.
Before you completely diss the idea of fruit on the grill....check out his Plumb Bar-B-Que sauce.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Coming to a UHF Channel near you.....Hell's Kitchen: Caddywampus Cafe edition

Pot Luck Dessert.....Peach Cobbler

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Seared Ahi w/Citrus Marinade

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Angel Hair Carbonera ala West

Friday, June 08, 2007
What's your favorite cheese to grill?
Anyway, it got me thinking..........."if you're going to make a burger or any sandwich with cheese melted on it, what's your favorite cheese?"
Provolone is a personal favorite of mine, Swiss is good too. Any sort of stinky cheese bring a ton of flavor, but you want to make sure you don't mask the flavor of the meat/protein of the sandwich.
So....tell me what you think........
Monday, June 04, 2007
Cooking Tip: saran wrap when breading
When using flour, bread crumbs or corn meal for breading your food, cover your dish with saran wrap to keep from having to wash that extra plate.
Just a little tip for today.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Bachelor Breakfast Sandwich, good any time of the day!
Now let's get started with the "bachelor sandwich". You can do this in a variety of methods. You can use almost any style bread and most sliced cheeses. You can use meat or just eggs.
You'll need:
2, slices of bread (your choice) For this, I used the "institutional bun"
1-2 eggs
2-3 slices of cheese (again, your choice)
2-3 slices of roast beast, turkey, ham or pastrami....maybe some salami or whatever meat you'd like to include
heat skillet, butter bread while heating. Place on skillet butter side down, crack egg(s) on to medium heated skillet, break yolk, (at this point you'll want to season the egg with whatever you'd like. I used cayenne pepper and garlic salt.) flip. Place cheese on egg, flip bread and place cheese on bottom bun. Slip egg on top of cheese bun, close and remove from heat and serve.
You might want to serve with something cold to drink, like a Coke or Dr. Pepper because something this hot and greasy doesn't need to be served with a "good for you" drink. What's the point. Oh, it's also too hot to have coffee with....trust me...I did that the other day.
What you'll get is a yummy, but not all the appealing to the eye sandwich.....if anyone else tastes it, they'll ask you to make you one. (If you give a pig a pancake....)
Explanation to the non-SoCal folk
There is this area in the Inland Empire called "Fontana" and it is well known for being a bit of a redneck, hick-ish kind of area. So, it has been dubbed "FONTUCKY". I never knew that it had its own website.....funny. Go get you a "Fontucky" shirt....they look cool!
At any rate, I'm originally from Mississippi and now I live in Riverside, California.......kind of close to Fontana.....I have nothing against the city or anything...don't really know that much about it. But I love to mix two words together...this just fits.
Later, ya'll!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
New Look "Wampus"!
People who love photoshop are good in my book!
This is exactly what I was looking for and I love it. Who would be interested in a shirt with this on it?
Does anyone know how to turn this banner into a hyper-link so I can put it on my other blog? Now I'm just being pushy, I know.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
New Look for the Wampus
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Fontucky Fried Chicken
Just a thought.

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Birthday Cake for Godzilla
She worked very hard on this and even got discouraged at one point cursing me and the cake. I was just in the room. Don't judge. I would have done the same thing to her and the cake.
Godzilla turned 2 on the 9th and his party was today. We were busting our butts trying to get everything pulled together at the last minute (really? surprise!) and my wife busts out this bad ass cake. He is into dinosaurs and we like to enable the kids' habits.
Here's what she did. It's all box cake mix (why not...there's more work to it...why make it harder). She did a 9x13 pan of yellow cake, filled two Pyrex bowls with chocolate cake and carved them in to volcanoes. She took Oreo-type cookies and smashed them with a rolling pin and mixed them in chocolate frosting. With this frosting she thee wed...no really...she pressed against the side of the volcanoes making it look like a rocky surface. Impressed yet? I was/am.
Then she iced the sheet cake w/chocolate and used graham cracker crumbs for dirt and green tinted coconut for grass. Then here's the kicker. She made a pool.....with green J-E-L-L-O. A friggin' pool on the cake. How often do you see that? I'll tell you...."never, that's when!"
When she put the cake together she finally cut the corners off one side to assemble the volcanoes on either side of the cake. Eli loved it (of course, it was cake) and we all "ooh'd and ahh'd" as we saw it.
I love my wife and all the she puts in to her kids' birthday parties. Me...I would have bought a cake maybe had ribs for the adults and hot dogs for the kids. My wife does stuff better than me. I just hope she never takes up the drums.

Friday, May 11, 2007
Grilled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Need a logo
I would love to have a logo for the Caddywampus......I just think it would be cool....and is something I have been thinking about for a while.
Anyone? Bueller?
Monday, May 07, 2007
Grilling Chops w/Caddywampus Green Beans and Roasted Red Potatoes w/Garlic & Pepper
What I used:
2-3 lbs. pork chops (bone in)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (aka EVOO)
Balsamic Vinegar
Garlic Salt
What I did:
A couple of hours before I started cooking, I coated the chops with the EVOO and balsamic, sprinkle (to taste) dry ingredients (both sides), cover and put in fridge. (you can do this the night before if you want, but you at least want to do this an hour before cooking)
Have I told ya'll about the beans in any earlier posts? I think I did, but I haven't the time to look it up.
Caddywampus Green Beans
What you need:
1 - 1.5lbs of fresh Green Beans (rinsed and blanched-please remember to drop them in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process...this will keep the crispness of the beans)
1 yellow onion, chopped
3-4 slices bacon
salt/pepper to taste
How to do it:
Heat skillet over medium heat (approx. 5 min.) cook bacon to crisp remove from skillet saving bacon drippings for cooking the rest of the food. Place onion in skillet and cook until the begin to sweat then place beans in skillet. Once they begin to get just a little soft, remove from heat, crumble bacon and mix in with beans and onions.......Damn! they're good
Roasted Red Potatoes w/Garlic & Pepper
What you need:
2-3 pounds of Red Potatoes, quartered
2-3 cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 tspn pepper
What you need to do:
pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, mix EVOO & dry ingredients in separate bowl. put potatoes in mixture and make sure to get all the potatoes coated in oil, pepper, garlic. place in oven for about 25 minutes or until tender w/fork. again, Damn! they were good.
One of these days I'll write a book.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Today's Lunch: Sausage, Egg & Cheese on Sourdough
4 turkey breakfast sausages
2 eggs
2 slices American Cheese
2 slices of Sourdough bread (buttered on the outsides)
= one sandwich
Make sure you start the sausages first (in a separate pan) as they usually take the longest. I did the eggs fried, but mixed them up on the griddle. Set them aside, put the bread on the griddle, cheese on the bread then re-set the eggs on the melty cheese, place sausage on eggs, then place other slice of bread, smash together, then flip (carefully) to finish off. Remove from heat and enjoy. These make great brunch like meals.
Juicy Crispy Chicken Breasts

Now when you try it, try it with the corriander marinade. I'm not sure if any of ya'll like middle eastern flavors, but that was dang good.
"Spice-rubbed. In step 1, sprinkle your favorite spice rub all over the chicken while you're letting it come to room temperature. We like the Indian flavors of 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1 teaspoon ground coriander, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon cayenne."
There are two other ways to do it, which I haven't tried (unless you count doing it with BBQ sauce) that are good too. You'll see.
Anyway, Sunset is a great magazine with tons of fun stuff to cook.
Somebody try it and let me know which one you liked best. (Tony, since you're now the bar-b-queing fool....I expect you to try it.)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Grilling Conserves Water
So, the other day I asked for suggestions and 2 of my 3 commented back. I don't know much about organic stuff or trans fat business, but I do know (enjoy, rather) grilling. 'Tis the season to be jolly. No, not Christmas, but it's warm most of the time and time to get your grill tools together and your coals burning (or propane refilled).
Today will just be a tip on why grilling is good. There will be a few of these in this series. I found some recipies that I havne't trie and I'll re-post some of the things I have already discussed.
Now, let's get started:
Well, when you grill, you usually don't have to wash as many dishes. For example: The other night I grilled checken breasts and put corn on the cob (still in the husk) right on the grill. This meant, I didn't have to wash the corn, boil it, nor cut them in half (3 ears f/5 people) . It saved me time and water.....WOW! I'm a friggin' genius. I also threw some broccoli in some foil w/EVOO, S&P and set that on the back of the grill. Saved more water for steaming and another dish. Dang, I'm on a roll now.
I love being able to cook an entire meal right on the grill and not have to turn the oven or stove on. Hank Hill would be proud.
Now, last night, I did make burgers, but I made home made french fries in the oven. I would have done a separate post, but I don't want to interrupt the flow of the Grilling Series.
What you need:
3-4 good sized potatoes
S&P to taste
Hot Sauce or Cayenne Pepper
While your oven is pre-heating to 350F, cut potatoes in half, then in 1/4" slices. Mix EVOO and S&P (salt & pepper) and optional stuff then drop potato slices in making sure to get all slices covered w/mixture. Place on a cookie sheet and put in oven for about 20 minutes, but keep an eye on your fries so they don't get burned.
Serve while warm because cold fries are just bad.
Someone try it and get back to me!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Godzilla likes 'em!
3 or 4 good sized chicken breasts, cubed
4 eggs, beaten
1 cup flour (maybe more)
1 cup Italian bread crumbs (or more)
cooking oil (enough to mostly cover nuggets in skillet)
heat oil in skillet while arranging your assembly line for dredging your chicken.
roll chicken in flour
dip in egg
roll in breadcrumbs
drop in oil
remember: don't get the oil too hot or breadcrumbs blacken and do not look appetizing. Be sure to flip chicken if you are using a skillet. Some people use what's called a "fry daddy", but I cannot justify having one. Because if I had it, I would use it and no one needs to deep fry everything in the house.
Fried Pickles (amongst other things)
What you'll need:
1 box of tempura batter
1 jar of dill pickle chips
2 or 3 zucchini (good sized)
1 vidalia onion (or Maui) sliced
what ever veggie you would like to drop in tempura batter and fry.
in your wok (skillet, whatever) pour 1.5"-2" of cooking oil and get it hot.
dip desired piece of food to be fried into tempura batter, letting some drip off as you remove from batter
drop into oil until a golden crust forms.
I'll have a picture later. (it's of what was left after I finished plowing through the food)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Letter from Management
I'm just wondering if anyone has tried any of these recipes? Tell me what you liked, didn't like, which were gave good or bad instructions, or just a simple comment on how we can make the Caddywampus Cafe a fun place for you customers. I have somewhat been throwing out what I like to make, because it's my place, but if any of ya'll have anything good, email me and I will try to get it on here. If you send me enough and would like to contribute, I would love to have some contributors.
Management of the Caddywampus
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Dinner (not Breakfast) At Tiffany's

So, I said over at my general blog that this was a "Casino Royale" themed party for the top twenty-five patrons (contributors) to the Pacific Symphony Orchestra . They even had a fake Dr. No . That's my humble opinion anyways. He had a really, really bad accent and used every single British cliche in the book.
The food on the other hand, was awesome. It was a 5 course meal that Chef Pascal was asked to match with a fitting wine. The first course was the appetizer, "salmon timbales and tuna tar tar" (the tuna was in a sesame seed crepe with olive oil, lime juice and anchovies........it was probably one of the best things I've eaten in a long, long time.) paired with Pino Gris (some French name that I cannot remember, much less pronounce). Then there was a wild mushroom soup with a biscuit style crust on top (same wine). Next was the main course, beef tenderloin (fillet) with steamed lobster tail served with a Syrah (again, I don't read French very well, so I cannot remember it). (OK, now that looked amazing and the wine smelled just as good as the food looked.) Then there was a baby greens salad topped with a fried goat cheese on top. *sigh* why can't I eat like that all the time? because I'd have a heart attack if I did. The dessert served with some stinky French Port, was "Flawless" chocolate cake, pineapple upside down cake, and a (h)azelnut (leave out the "h" when pronouncing it in French)
We had to bust our butts all night long and then I got to drive home to Riverside at 11:15 p.m. Sunday was somewhat of an early day, but I had a good weekend anyway.........did anyone else have anything good to eat?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Chicken Stir Fry
hand full of snow peas
hand full of asparagus
hand full of chopped carrots
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
2T of Oyster Sauce
2T oil (peanut preferred)
throw in chicken and garlic, when chicken begins to brown toss in veggies (you don't have to use those vegetables, but they were yummy last night) serve over rice or udon noodles and enjoy!
Monday, April 09, 2007
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back...and I forgot to take pictures
You're saying, "mmmmmm, ribs.....how did you make them?" Well get a pin or some paper for the printer. I'll wait.......................................................................................... done? good...let's get started.
For Ribs you'll need:
2-4 racks of ribs (I did 2 racks)
Olive Oil
Lawry's Season Salt
Coarse Ground Pepper
Whatever Bar-b-que sauce is on sale (I like Chris 'n Pitts', but I used Bullseye yesterday)
1. pre-heat oven to around 275 Fahrenheit.
2. place the ribs on some aluminum foil, rub them down with olive oil, Lawry's season salt, coarse ground pepper, and minced garlic
3. place in oven for about 2 hours
4. when the 2 hours is almost done, get your grill nice and hot......lower heat right before you put them on (or use indirect heat if you have a large grill)
5. place on grill meat side down for about 5 minutes brush with bar-b-que sauce, flip (be careful because they should be nice and "fall off the bone" moist) and brush the inside with the sauce. let cook for about 3-4 minutes (don't let the sauce burn on your ribs.....)
6. Then make sure you call your mama to let her know she can't cook as good as you.
Caddywampus Green Beans:
You'll need:
1-1 1/2 lbs of fresh green beans
3 slices of bacon
1 yellow (or vidalia) onion sliced
salt and pepper to taste
1. rinse and clean beans (they have these stem like pieces you'll want to pick off....not fun to eat)
2. cook bacon to where they're crispy but not burned
3. remove bacon from skillet and drain, then put in the beans
4. toss them around in the bacon grease for about 2 minutes then add the onion
5. once onions begin to soften, remove from heat and crumble bacon over beans.
6. call your mama again and make her come to your house so you can prove that you're a better cook.
We were so hungry that I didn't have time to take pictures after plating up. Trust me, they looked amazing and tasted even better.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Variations on a theme
Last Thursday night, I did two boneless, skinless chicken breasts diced stir-fry style with broccoli and oyster sauce over jasmine rice. (sorry, no pictures) This went quick, I defrosted a couple of breasts in the microwave while prepping the rice, chopping the broccoli and garlic. It's good to chop the veggies first so you can use that board to cut up the chicken. While you're chopping your chicken heat a skillet with some oil over medium heat. Throw in the chicken and garlic until chicken begins to cook through, then add the broccoli. Once the broccoli starts to sweat, add oyster sauce until it spreads all around, remove from heat and serve over rice.
Last night, Monday, I grilled the chicken with a "jerk/teryiaki" marinade. And because I'm lazy, I put the broccoli in aluminum foil...then drizzled olive oil, sprinkled salt & pepper....put it on the grill with the chicken. (I don't want to wash any more dishes than I have to.) I cooked the jasmine rice according to directions (or memory...whichever).
Again, Chicken, Rice and Broccoli
2500 points to the first person who tells me how many times I mentioned broccoli.
Monday, March 26, 2007
I did, however, make another Peach Cobbler that was better than the last one.....I think anyway.
I'm too lazy to link the Cobbler, Enchilada Casserole and sauce, but go back in my archives and check 'em out. .....really easy and really good.
One of these days I'll get inspired to cook again. Maybe I'll get some ribs and YouTube it.....
Friday, March 16, 2007
Ikea for food?

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Peach Cobbler.....the comfiest of comfort food

Anyway, you need the following:
1 Cup Sugar
1 stick of butter, melted
1 Cup of Milk
1 Cup of Self-rising Flour
1 Can sliced peaches in heavy syrup

We ate this about 9 p.m. last night and watched School of Rock.
Repeat Offender...Bolognese

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Taco Shells "Guerro" Style

OK, so I got that problem settled, well distracted to say the least....and then you have to fold your taco shell so it makes that little cup thing.........once you hold it there for approximately 20-30 seconds it will get all nice and brown then do drop it on to a paper towel to drain.....and you'll get this. (below)
Anyway, fill with whatever taco meat you have prepared, with some cheese, avacado, lettuce, green (or red) onion, sour cream and of course Tapatio. (I'm currently out)